We love responding to the many questions we get every day through our social media, emails and phone. But we would like a short break from answering to the following most common questions. In case your question is not answered here, or something is still not clear, please feel free to contact us. The best way to reach us is our Facebook page.
I want to SUPPLY FOOD to Coffee Wagera. What’s the process?
We love to support female home chefs, but we are a small coffee shop with a small menu and a limited number of suppliers. When we are looking for a new supplier, we ask on our page and food groups; and that’s the time to apply. If you have something unique that you think we should consider adding to our menu, please message us through our Facebook page. Please do not send samples unless requested. We also do a brunch event to support female home chefs; please read about that and consider participating.
How do I register for your monthly BRUNCH WAGERA event?
The dates are usually announced on the first of every month, for the event and deadline to apply. You can apply through our Facebook page with your full (real) name, brand name, link to your FB page, link to your Insta page, mobile number, Whatsapp number, name and description of the item(s) you want to bring, photo of the item (square, high-res, clean), within the due date mentioned for each event. You may want to check out photos/videos of previous events here.
How do I register for OTHER EVENTS?
Events requiring prior registration/payment e.g. Coffee Tour, Kids’ Activity, Mush’s Training Programs etc. are usually promoted through an event page, shared on our Facebook page, with full information on registration and payments. Other events like Open Mic do not require prior registration.
You may watch photos/videos of most previous events on our YouTube channel.
How do I apply for a JOB?
When we are hiring, we post a job on our page with all the requirements and how to apply. We often run free training programs to give you some skills and experience, which may help you, apply at other cafes. To apply for free training, you can message us through our Facebook page with full (real) name, mobile number, Whatsapp number and why are you interested in free training.
How do I BOOK SPACE for an event?
Just message us through our Facebook page with dates, timing, number of people and nature of the event and we’ll suggest. We have a maximum capacity of 20 people, and we prefer not allowing more than 15 people for semi-private events, so we can leave 5 spots for other customers. You can get access to our computer, projector, screen and sound system for up to 3 hours, for a minimum group of 10 and a minimum spending of Rs.500 per person. We can be flexible for non-profit events or causes we like to support.
We want to PROVIDE SERVICES. How do I contact the owner?
You can contact the owner any time through our Facebook page. Due to our low-cost, low-price, low-margin operation, we do not engage the services of photographers, videographers, graphic designers, web developers, social media agencies or PR companies. We rarely sponsor (free coffee/snacks) for any events. We do not offer complimentary food to bloggers, influencers or celebrities – they are most welcome to try us and talk about us if they have a great experience! Huge respect for all professional service providers.
I want to MEET MUSH.
Easy. Contact us through the page, which is always answered by Mush, set up a time and show up. You just have to buy him a coffee. Ok, just buy yourself a coffee 🙂
What about FRANCHISING, partnership or investment opportunities?
Now we are talking. Contact us through the page with your interest, set up a time, come and meet over coffee (yes, you must buy coffee). And please do bring your cheque book 🙂
Mush Panjwani is also open to training and consulting opportunities. You can read more about him, his book or his training programs by clicking the photo above. Hmmm, that was a long post!
Mush is the Founder of Coffee Wagara. He has been a sales, marketing, and training expert for over 35 years; he has worked with corporates, leaders, and entrepreneurs in 20 countries. Mush is also the author of Dhinchak Life, a book about living a fantastic life!