The five changes effective from 1st November, and a brief rationale for each…
1. MONDAYS OFF. This is purely for our staff benefit with almost zero consideration for customers, sales and profits. This will provide everyone in the team a fixed day off, and better work-life balance, hopefully resulting in increased motivation and even better performance during the rest of the days!
2. FIXED TIMING. We tried a few different timings to suit our customers and business, but the negative impact for the team is more than the small positive impact to business. So now it’s going to be 8:30 am till 12:30 after midnight for all six days. Sincere apologies for the couple of 8am and 1am customers.
3. MINIMUM COVER CHARGE. We always had an unwritten rule that you could just buy a coffee and enjoy all the free benefits – free drinking water, wifi, power/USB sockets, comfortable workbench, air-conditioned place, beautiful music and clean toilets! Unless there were people queuing up, we never bothered anyone to order more. Now we are putting that rule in writing: there’s a minimum charge of Rs.200 per person, to enjoy the excellent ambience and free services at CW.
4. LOYALTY CARD. Every stamp will require a beverage with minimum value of Rs.200. You’ll need two 100-rupee chai in one order to get a stamp. You will still need only seven stamps to get the 8th beverage for free!
5. GST CHARGE. 13% GST will apply on every purchase.
I am sure every reasonable customer will understand all the above, and continue to support Coffee Wagera and its values. Please feel free to discuss any comments or questions with me any time – either personally at CW, or through a message from our page or website. Thank you 🙂
Mush is the Founder of Coffee Wagara. He has been a sales, marketing, and training expert for over 35 years; he has worked with corporates, leaders, and entrepreneurs in 20 countries. Mush is also the author of Dhinchak Life, a book about living a fantastic life!